HSBTE Diploma 1st, 3rd, 5th Sem Nov/Dec Result 2015-16 Declared @ result.hsbte.com: Haryana state board of technical education (HSBTE) has been declared Diploma Nov/Dec Result 2015-16 for all semester. Candidates who are pursuing a degree from HSBTE Panchkula, Haryana and appeared in the regular semester exam conducted in the month of Nov/Dec 2015, now can check and download the result.
University has been uploaded HSBTE odd semester result 2015-16 on the official website http://result.hsbte.com/. Now polytechnic/diploma candidates can download their result online by using registered university roll number. All diploma branch – Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Computer, IT, Electronics has been declared now. Candidates can also find their pending/reappear exam result on the site because the university has been updated all current and previous session (1st, 3rd, 5th Sem) exam result 2016.
Final gazette for HSBTE Diploma Nov/Dec Result 2015-16 will be uploaded to college website after few days of the declaration of the result by the university. If you result is not appearing or its showing pending then waits few days or contact to college administration.