CBSE NET Result 27 Dec 2015, National Eligibility Test Result 2015-16 at Central board of secondary education has been conducted national eligibility test Dec 2015 on the date 27-12-2015. Lakh of candidates appeared in the examination and now they all re looking for the result and cutoff marks on the official website of CBSE NET Dec 2015. As per the source result will be declared very shortly at
After the successful completion of the CBSE NET Exam Dec 2016 board has been released official answer key (OMR Answer Sheet) on the official website for paper 1, 2 and 3. Candidate will able to check and download CBSE net written test 2016 result and all India merit list very soon from the official website of examination conducting board.
CBSE NET Result 27 Dec 2015, National Eligibility Test Result 2015-16 at
All the appeared candidates in CBSE NET Result 27 Dec 2015 Exam will able to check CBSE NET Result 2015-16 from the web link given below after the official announcement of the result. The result will be uploaded on the official web portal within few days. So keep the eye on it and keep visiting this page regularly. The result will be made available on te below link, remember your roll number and DOB as printed on admit card to check the result after official declaration.
Result Check Link – CBSE NET Result 27 Dec 2015